When I was living in Kuwait, I would frequent Lebanese restaurants and order sauteed dandelions with caramelized onions. This dish is my inspiration for this recipe. I combined fresh spinach, with caramelized shallots and of course, crumbled Feta cheese. (Check my spinach blog)
Clean and wash your spinach. Let it dry before using.
It took me about 8 minutes to caramelize these onions in olive oil, and another 2 minutes to saute the fresh spinach. This quick meal can be served with grilled steak or chicken.
After 3 minutes.
After 6 minutes
After 8 minutes
As soon as you remove the shallots, using the same pan, add your fresh spinach leaves and saute for 2 minutes. This way the ghee or butter leftover from the shallots coats all the spinach leaves.